Evelyn Partners is a leading provider of professional services, delivering on your financial needs through a combination of tax, accounting, financial planning and investment management services. Evelyn Partners’ forensic services team includes experienced expert witnesses, who have given evidence before a variety of courts and tribunals. Their advice and experience will ensure that your case, or that of your client, is positioned for the best possible outcome.

Our experienced digital forensic services team can overcome e-disclosure challenges in legal cases, ensure evidence matches regulatory requirements and provide expert witnesses. our forensic technology advisers will provide you with scalable and technically focused solutions to issues surrounding the recovery, retention, investigation and presentation of electronic data. We have a thorough understanding of the legal process and apply both technical skills and a commercial approach when gathering data and protecting digital evidence, ensuring that it conforms to relevant legal and regulatory requirements.


  • Data collection
  • Data processing
  • Hosting for review

Data Centers

RelativityOne - UK

John Holden
+44 7717423110

Product Offerings:

  • RelativityOne

Partner Type

RelativityOne Certified Partner

Partner Since 2022

Relativity Certifications

Relativity Certified Administrator (1)
RelativityOne Certified Pro (2)