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[Videos] 5 Ways You Should Be Using Dashboards

Keely McKee

With more and more data involved in e-discovery projects, it can be difficult to derive the story behind it. Visualizations help condense and display data in a way that’s easier to understand, so you can interact with it and take action.

At Relativity Fest London 2017, Relativity solutions specialist Clare Longworth walked through several scenarios where dashboards can improve your normal workflow and help you easily dig into and visualize data. Check out a recap of her session Creating Dashboards for Your Entire Case Lifecycle to learn five ways to use dashboards on your next project.

1. Explore: Know What’s in Your Data and What’s Not 

You’ve just finished publishing data from Relativity Processing and want to ensure all custodians have been loaded, document counts match, and date ranges are accurate. Follow along with Clare as she demonstrates how to add a widget that displays the documents your custodians received in a given date range:

Another way to explore your data using dashboards:

  • Create a database stats dashboard with different widgets for your documents’ key information, such as their native type, file extensions, sort date, and key search terms. You can even drill into some of those search terms to see what kinds of documents are hits.

2. Organize and Prioritize: Reduce Clutter and Focus on What’s Important

It’s Tuesday at 5:23 p.m. As you’re about to turn off your computer and pack up for the day, you’re notified that a processing set has just finished and you need to prioritize and batch the documents by 7:00 a.m. for the first wave of reviewers. Find out how Clare quickly and effectively batches documents using visualizations:

More ways to organize and prioritize your data using dashboards:

  • Create a review dashboard to identify password-protected documents and documents with hidden data and batch them out for the team to review separately.
  • Add conditions—such as a search terms report—to a dashboard to quickly identify and batch documents for the next wave of review.

3. Monitor: Stay on Track and Keep Moving Forward

You’ve heard some grumblings from the review team that a certain reviewer is spending more time watching cat videos than reviewing documents. See how Clare quickly looks into the reviewer’s stats to address the situation:

Another way to monitor your review using dashboards:

  • Drill into coding decisions, identify potential issues that need to be addressed (like non-relevant documents being marked with issue coding), and provide feedback on the progress of the review.

4. QC: Identify Problems Faster

You have a production due in a few days and you need to identify any conflicts or work that needs to be done before you can start the production. Watch Clare as she uses a dashboard to create a batch for QC:

More ways to QC your review using dashboards:

  • Verify that the necessary privilege coding has been completed before creating a privilege log and identify blank documents that reviewers might need to QC.
  • Create a post-production review dashboard to keep track of productions and identify documents that might need to be re-produced.

5. Extend: Use Visualizations in Every Stage of Your Case

The possibilities for dashboards are endless. For example, check out how Clare uses an email threading dashboard:

More ways to use visualizations during your entire case lifecycle:

  • See what languages are included in a document set to determine if they need to be reviewed by a native language speaker or if they can be culled.
  • Export widgets as an image or .xls file, or export the entire dashboard to share a snapshot of your data.
  • Visualize and dive into your data throughout the e-discovery process by using dashboards throughout—from Legal Hold and Processing to ECA, Assisted Review, and Data Grid—or build them into your own custom workflows.

Keely McKee is a member of the creative team at Relativity, specializing in content development.

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